Frequently asked questions

What's the quality and how fresh are the products?

Products are bought from the Dimitar Madjarov manufacturing site and we are keeping them in cool storage place in Vienna and Luxembourg.

When can I receive the order?

We make deliveries every day between the hours 17:00 and 21:00 as you choose the best time slot for you.

What's the cost of delivery?

Price of delivery is fixed:
- for orders under 25 EUR: 2,99 EUR.
- for orders above 25 EUR: FREE delivery in Luxembourg.
We accept orders every day. Orders made before 12:00 in the morning can be delivered in the same day after 17:30.

What payment methods are offered by the online store?

You can pay for your order in 2 ways:
- online by debit or credit cart using PayPal system;
- online with PayPal;

Can I cancel my order?

Yes, you can cancel an order before 09:00 in the morning of the delivery day you had specified.

Can I order via phone?

No, it's not possible. You can make an order only through the online platform.

There are missing products in my order for which I wasn't informed in advance?

In this case, please contact us as soon as possible (24 hours) after the delivery, so we can make an additional delivery are to be compensated.

Can I ask for an exact delivery hour?

We will deliver the order in the time slot that you have chose but can not guarantee exact deliver hour. Our delivery guys have curtain schedule and routes, which have to be completed.